Cigar Bar & Lounge

3343 SE Federal Hwy.
Stuart, Florida

When it comes to cigars, it is essential to know how to make a good cut. A bad one can ruin a great cigar, while a correct one comes with many benefits. Cutting a cigar properly will keep the wrapper from coming undone and helps create a satisfying draw.
To ensure you know how to best cut a cigar, we're giving you an easy, three-step guide to help you learn the right techniques. This information should optimize your experience.

STEP 1: Find the Cap
The cap of the cigar, sometimes referred to as the head, is the end of the cigar you'll draw from. This cap is what you'll want to cut off. It's usually round and lightly glued to the tip of the cigar.

STEP 2: Line It Up
Line up your cigar cutter just above where the cigar cap ends. Cutting too far beyond this point could damage the cigar and affect the draw.

STEP 3: Make the Cut
Once you've found the cap and positioned the cigar just above where it ends, firmly squeeze the cutter shut to make the cut. For a belocoso or torpedo cigar, cut a bit past the cap, as much of the cigar's tobacco bunch there. If cut too high, the draw could be tight. Now you're ready to light up and enjoy your cigar!

For a perfect cut, the blade of the cigar must be sharp. A dull cut damages the cigar and results in a bad smoking experience. While it is possible to sharpen the blade, cutters are easy to replace.
The most common approach, which provides loose and easy draws and can be used on any shape and size cigar.
Punching a hole in the head of the cigar without removing the entire cup - this cut adds intensity and flavor due to the concentrated opening and tighter draw. It requires skill and is hard to create on small cigars and can't be done on a torpedo-shaped cigar.
Slicing a v-shape out of the head of the cigar, a v-cut pulls smoke from the top and bottom of the cigar equally with a more concentrated draw. This cut requires skill to do correctly and works on most cigars, including torpedos, though the draw is especially tight on tapered shapes.